Air Quality
We can carry out air quality and odour assessments from numerous industrial and agricultural sources throughout the UK and Ireland.
We use approved air dispersion modelling software including both AERMOD and ADMS.
Our assessments include road and transport development, intensive agriculture development, anaerobic digesters and other biomass boilers and engines.
Air Quality Projects 
Since July 2015 NI Water has provided additional guidance in relation to Development Encroachment and how odour assessments should be carried out.
We have carried out numerous assessments where the proposed development is in the vicinity of existing NI Water sites as well as residential developments where the builder will be providing their own waste water treatment on the site.
We have been retained by Moy Park to provide air quality and odour assessments for their expansion programme across Northern Ireland. We required to deal with the company centrally and with the individual farmers to progress the applications.
Each application was scrutinised by the Environmental Health Departments of the local Councils with regard to odour and by the Natural Environment Division of the NIEA with regard to the impact of ammonia on ecologically sensitive sites.
This will be one of the largest pig farm sites in Northern Ireland and will incorporate some of the most modern technology available. As part of our air quality assessment we carried out modelling for odour and ammonia. Our assessment included the cumulative odour impact in line with current European Guidelines.
We liaised with the NIEA throughout the progressing of the site and presented evidence for the Planning Authority at the various planning hearings.
Waste Water Treatment Works
Across NI
Moy Park Expansion Programme
Across NI
Halls Pig Farm
Northern Ireland