The Team 
Our staff come from a range of backgrounds including Environmental Health, Engineering, Air Quality, Acoustics and Bio-Acoustics.
We strive to ensure we meet the needs of our client while approaching all projects with independence and professionalism.

Mark Burke Read More
Mark Burke
Mark graduated from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown with a BSc (Hons) degree in Environmental Health with a Diploma in Professional Practice.
Throughout his undergraduate degree, he gained experience working with modelling software including GIS. Since graduating,
Mark has worked in the Environmental Health departments of various local authorities in Northern Ireland in an enforcement capacity. Mark shall be based in the noise and air quality sections of Irwin Carr.

Eoghan Byrne Read More
Eoghan Byrne
Eoghan Graduated from Ulster University at Belfast with a BSc (Hons) Degree in Energy with a Diploma in Professional Practice.
Throughout his Undergraduate degree, he gained vital experience working within the Wind Energy Field as well as energy storage, wind and sustainable development projects alongside experience working with various modelling software’s such as Homer and Plexos.
Eoghan’s experience will be used to aid the air quality section of Irwin Carr

Christy Carr Read More
Christy Carr
After spending time in the Melbourne office of Marshall Day Acoustics during his placement year at University, Christy started with Irwin Carr in 2013.
Christy graduated from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown with a BSc (Hons) degree in Environmental Health and has recently completed a post graduate Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control at Trinity College Dublin.
Christy has carried out an extensive number of noise impact assessments for single wind turbines, as well as a number of wind farm applications. This process has involved the setting up of monitoring equipment for background noise surveys, liaising with local authorities, acoustic modelling using the SoundPLAN software package, as well as assessment in line with both ETSU-R-97 and the Institute of Acoustics Good Practice Guidance

Shane Carr Read More
Shane Carr
Shane has over 25 years’ experience working in both the Public and Private sectors, with particular expertise in the areas of environmental noise, modelling as well as staff and project management. He has worked in the Environmental Health departments of various local authorities in Northern Ireland and the UK in an enforcement capacity.
Shane has been working as a consultant since 2007, joining Marshall Day in 2010 and subsequently becoming a Director in Irwin Carr in 2016. In this time he has carried out noise modelling projects throughout Ireland and the UK and is currently the SoundPLAN distributor for Irwin Carr in Ireland
Shane has a broad range of experience in all aspects of noise including environmental noise assessment and control. He has presented expert evidence on a number of occasions for a range of planning issues and environmental noise assessments.

Chris Jordan Read More
Chris Jordan
Chris has over 20 years’ experience working in both the Public and Private sectors, PhD qualified and respected acoustics professional with extensive knowledge across the environmental acoustics field, specialising in wind farm noise impacts
Through my recent previous role as Principal Environmental Health Officer (Shared Service) I would have evaluated every wind farm application within the Causeway Coast and Glens, Antrim/Newtownabbey, Mid and East Antrim BC and Mid Ulster council boroughs.
Such evaluations included undertaking independent noise modelling as well as independent background noise level monitoring, as required.
Chris is a leading professional in wind farm assessment and co-author of Institute of Acoustics Good Practice Guide to the application of ETSU-R-97 for the assessment and rating of wind turbine noise.
He has provided both formal and informal advice to the previous Planning Authority (DOE Planning), with respect to wind energy noise impacts and provided televised evidence to the Northern Ireland Assembly Environment Committee on wind farm noise impacts.
Chris has extensive experience of providing expert noise evidence at numerous wind energy planning appeals, both for and against particular proposals.

Hannah Lee Read More
Hannah Lee
Hannah has recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a MSc degree in Marine Environmental Management.
Throughout her master’s degree she gained vital experience in underwater acoustics and noise measurements, alongside experience working with modelling software’s such as GIS.
Hannah brings previous experience of working in the environmental sector, deliveringconsultancy services to both public and private sector businesses throughout the UK,particularly data analysis, energy modelling and project management for renewable energy implementation.
Hannah’s experience will be used to aid the marine acoustics section of Irwin Carr.

Jon Maguire Read More
Jon Maguire
Jon Maguire (BSc Hons MIOA) brings over 7 years of expertise in acoustic consultancy, specialising in environmental acoustics with a focus on 3D modelling, assessments, and detailed design for industrial, commercial, and energy projects. He has lead noise assessments for key clients while thriving in multidisciplinary environments. Jon’s diplomatic communication skills are ideal for stakeholder consultation.
He has experience of working on infrastructure schemes of national significance and has authored Environmental Statement (ES) chapters for projects under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Development Consent Order (DCO) frameworks.
Jon has many years of experience giving expert noise advice, with a particular emphasis on energy schemes such as solar farms, battery energy storage systems (BESS), wind turbines, and Short-Term Operating Reserve (STOR) projects.

Liam McAleavey Read More
Liam McAleavey
Liam has recently graduated from Ulster University with a BSc (Hons) degree in Environmental Health.
Having joined the company in 2017 for his placement year at university, Liam has since gained experience primarily through assisting the company in the areas of Environmental and Building Acoustics.
This involved carrying out noise assessments regarding single wind turbines, wind farm projects and anaerobic digesters, through the planning stage and compliance testing of completed sites, as well as helping to undertake various noise at work assessments.
Liam supported the company throughout the extensive commissioning of the PPP Courts and Schools Bundles.