Underwater Noise
We initially developed our interest in underwater noise through the development of the dBSea software, but have continually increased our consultancy capability in the previous number of years.
We now regularly carry out noise measurements and modelling from all projects which generate noise underwater including off shore wind farms, harbour expansions, piling, cable laying or shipping traffic
Modelling experience
We provide consulting services to carry out modelling on behalf of clients and regularly prepare models and assessment to be incorporated into larger EIAs.
We have a large number of hydrophones onsite and staff have experience in carrying out noise measurements both in the coastal and offshore environment.
Underwater Noise Projects 
As part of an environmental impact assessment for a Port expansion we measured the existing on-shore and underwater noise levels. SoundPlan and dBSea were used to establish predicted noise levels during the construction of the port, which allowed us to detail the mitigation efforts during construction. We modelled the underwater noise impact on local marine wildlife taking into account the local fauna, geography and temporal variation.
Following concern over the underwater acoustic impact of a renewable energy device in Galway Bay, we characterised the local soundscape as well as noise from the device. Our work resulted in detailed knowledge of the acoustic environment at the site putting concerns over noise to rest.
The Shannon Estuary is home to a large resident population of bottlenose dolphins. We undertook underwater noise monitoring during the construction phase of wind turbines to ensure minimal disturbance of the dolphins. This work also involved acoustic detection and quantification of dolphin presence from deployed hydrophones.